Sunday, April 8, 2012


photo taken this morning on top of Hidden Peak at 7:00 AM on 04.08.12

Below photo taken of the moon looking west just after the sunrise this morning
You can see the sun hitting the top peak of the mountain.

"And after Christ shall have risen from the dead he shall show himself unto you,
my children, and my beloved brethren.
2 Nephi 26:1"

Today is Easter. The two above photos were taked within minutes of each other. One is looking east towards the sun, and the other is looking west towards the moon. The full moon, which is now starting to wane, was visible in the morning sky as the sun rose. It quickly became difficult to see once the sun becomes higher and brighter in the sky.  The moon is what is used to determine when Easter is. It was significant to see it this morning in addition to the beautiful sunrise. The contrast was striking.

Looking east at the brilliant sun.. the colors were red and orange,  it was the color of flames, hot and fiery. You would never guess that the black mountain in the foreground are covered white with snow .
Looking west towards the moon, the colors were blue and cold. You can see the snow covered mountains. 

We can see more clearly when there is a contrast in things. The last week in Christ's life was full of contrasts. The one that we observe today with Christ Resurrection is Death overcome by Life.

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